Doubling evident medium on E PLURIBUS UNUM, Right bell bracket, and
strong on eagle, especially Right (viewer's Left) wing feathers
Stage A:
Doubling evident medium on E PLURIBUS UNUM
Stage B:
Die scratch East-West under last S of STATES EMDS Die scratch from lower T to E of STATES Die scratch NW from apex of A in DOLLAR Die scratch joining lower legs of R of DOLLAR Die crack along bust line LMDS
Stage C:
New die scratch pattern through DOLLAR MDS Light die crack through lower Left bell lines Light die crack on eagle's breast
Stage D:
Die scratches though DOLLAR worn away LMDS Die crack extends through lower Right bell lines Die break on eagle's breast
Stage E:
Die crack under Right bell LDS Die crack extends into field above R of DOLLAR Die crack from eagle East to rim Die crack along bust line LDS
Reported By:
US Mint: